Provider Resources

CMSP Benefit
Providers may check the status of in-process claims via the AMM Claims Manager portal. Providers may also download EOB in this portal. Please create a new account or log in here.

For a full list of claims processing adjustment codes, click here.

List of Contracted Clearinghouses & Payer IDs

PROVIDER PORTAL (EZ-Net) - For authorizations submitted
Providers may submit authorizations or check authorization status by logging in to EZ-Net. For more information on how to register please click here for the EZ-Net Registration guide.

CMSP’s list of services requiring prior authorization is subject to change. For the most updated list of services requiring prior authorization, click here.

CMSP covers inpatient mental health services provided by specific facilities participating in the CMSP network. Inpatient mental health services and psychiatric health facilities must be authorized by county mental health departments in the county where the member resides. For a list of mental health organizations, click here.
Important Contacts

Provider Bulletin: Benefit expansion for Dental, Vision, and Hearing Services (07/01/2023)

The CMSP Provider Operations Manual includes general information including but not limited to covered services, billing instructions, and authorization requirements.

For a list of CMSP Approved Procedure Codes with No Share of Cost, click here.

For information regarding completion of a CMS 1500 form, providers may utilize the NUCC Instruction Manual or Medi-Cal’s CMS-1500 Companion Guide.

For a detailed list of covered dental benefits and limitations, click here.

For a detailed list of covered hearing benefits and limitations, click here.

For a detailed list of covered vision benefits and limitations, click here.

To access the 2014 Medicare and Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Prevention Workbook, click here.